Pipeline Backend

The Pipeline is the core backend of the Playground. It is responsible for running a sequence of Transforms and displaying the output. It can also be run in conjunction with the Pipeline Launcher. It consists of the following components:

  • Pipeline

  • Windows

  • Transforms

  • Params

The following relationships are defined between these objects:

|- Window
|   |- Transform
|   |   |- Param
|   |   |- ...
|   |- ...
|- ...

The components above will be described from the lowest level to the highest.


A Param is an input to the Transform that can be manipulated via some kind of Qt Widget, such a slider, input box, select box, etc.

See the Params module for existing Param classes that can be used.

Defining a New Param

A new Param can be defined as follows:

class MyParam(Param):
    def __init__(self, my_arg, default=None, label=None, read_only=False, help_text=''):
        # You must call the super first
        super.__init__(default=default, label=label, read_only=read_only,
        # define and store any new arguments
        self.my_arg = my_arg

    def _get_widget(self, parent=None):
        """Return a widget instance for this Param type"""
        # 1. Create and configure widget instance, passing the parent in
        # 2. Connect the widgets value changed handler to a function on this Param
        # 3. Return the widget instance

    def _handle_value_changed(self, value):
        """Stores the updated value and runs the pipeline"""
        # NOTE: Do any necessary conversion to value here before storing it

A nice introduction to the Signals and Slots mechanisms in Qt5.


A Transform defines either a manipulation that will be done on an image or can perform a calculation and pass the results onto the following Transforms. We define class level Param variables to allow the user to interact with the Transforms.

The Transform defines a draw(img_in, extra_in) method that takes an image in and possibly extra information, and then returns an image or an image and some extra information as a tuple. These are passed onto the next Transform.

Each Param value can be accessed and set via self.param_name. The actual Param instance is stored as self._param_name.

Please see the opencv_pg.models.transforms and opencv_pg.models.support_transforms modules for existing Transforms which may be useful.

Creating a New Transform

Creating your own Transform is easy!

A new Transform can be defined as follows:

from opencv_pg import BaseTransform
from opencv_pg import params

    'Display 1': 'value1',
    'Display 2': 'value2',

class MyTransform(BaseTransform):
    param1_slider = params.IntSlider(min_val=0, max_val=255, step=1, default=100)
    combo = params.ComboBox(
        options=value_map.keys(), default='Display 1', options_map=OPTIONS
    checkbox = params.CheckBox()

    def draw(self, img_in, extra_in):
        """Required - must return an ndarray, or an (ndarray, object)"""
        out = cv2.some_function(

        return out
        # or return out, something_extra

    def get_info_widget(self):
        """Optional: Return a QWidget that will be displayed as extra
        information above the Transform group"""

    def update_widgets_state(self):
        """Optional: update the state of other various widgets within this
        Transform, based on each other's state. Can be used to test one
        widget for a value, and enable/disable other widgets

This Transform would display an Integer slider, a ComboBox and a CheckBox.


A Window is composed of one or more Transforms. Each Window is responsible for displaying the output of the last Transform in its list, and then passing that output onto the first Transform of the next Window.

Creating a Window

A window can be created as follows:

window = Window([

You can optionally pass a name argument to the Window to give it a meaningful window title. If no name is passed, it will be named Step N, according to its position in the Pipeline.


The Pipeline represents the top level feature of the hierarchy. It sets up the windows and is responsible for running all the Transforms in the pipeline.

Creating a Pipeline

A Pipeline can be created in any of the following ways:

# There is a single Transform
pipeline1 = Pipeline(Transform())

# If there are multiple Transforms, but only one Window
pipeline2 = Pipeline([Transform1(), Transform2(), Transform3()])

# If there are multiple Windows
pipeline3 = Pipeline([

Pipeline Launcher

Now that you’ve created your own custom Params and Transforms, we can put them all together into your own pipeline.

A custom Pipeline can be launched by your own code using the launch_pipeline function. When this is done, a Qt Window will be displayed for each Window in your Pipeline.


from opencv_pg import Pipeline, Window, launch_pipeline
from opencv_pg import support_transforms as supt
from opencv_pg import transforms as tf

if __name__ == '__main__':
    my_image = '/path/to/image.png'

    pipeline = Pipeline([
        # You could also import and use your own Transforms


This will show two Windows. The first with the final output of the BitwiseAnd and the second with the output of the Canny operation.